Specialist Locating
Specialist locating services specialize in the detection water, sewer, telecommunications, CATV, electric, gas, underground tanks, & un locatable pipes and cables for utility providers, private businesses, contractors, and homeowners. Because they have such a variety of utilities to locate, they must-have products that are versatile, easy to use, and use the latest technologies.
The current challenges
The specialist locator needs to be accurate, be fast as they have dozens of locates to do each day, and need to feel confident each time they put paint on the ground to identify the location of a buried utility. Each day more utilities are buried next to and possibly on top of already existing utilities. Some buried utilities may share a common ground, which can make distinguishing one utility from the other almost impossible.
Our Solutions
The Locator range from Vivax-Metrotech allows the user to:
- Have a range of both high and low frequencies
- See continuous depth or current whilst locating
- Transmit multiple frequencies at the same time
- Direct connect, induce, or clamp around a utility
- Modes to use in congested areas