vLoc3-5000 Receiver Software Update
Software Update: vLoc3-5000_1.38.ldr
Production Release: v1.38 SVN17657
This software update:
- Supports Current Clamp Accessory type C100. “Plug-and-play” accessory, with current measurement calibrated from 50Hz to 10kHz.
- Improved A Frame speed of response on 3&6 and 4&8 measurements.
- A-Frame LFFF AM sound pitch adjusted to a closer match to other locate AM sound.
- Updated translations: German, French, Dutch, Romanian, Danish, Latvian, Spanish, Norwegian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Chinese and Slovenian.
- Display a blue GPS icon on status bar when GPS has SBAS (DGPS) fix.
- Update display of horizontal positional accuracy to show “±” rather than “⇔” before the 2DRMS value.
- Ability to configure locator “Imperial / Metric” menu with “Inches” only depth display option in addition to the existing “Feet” and “Meter”, requires MyLocator3 v1.17 or later configuration change.
- Ability to configure a locator menu option to select “Coordinate Format” for display of latitude and longitude in the existing Degrees Minutes Seconds (D°M’S.S”), Degrees Decimal Minutes (D°M.M’) or Decimal Degrees (D.D°), requires MyLocator3 v1.17 or later configuration change.
- Long key press delay reduced from 1 second to ½ second, repeat key press rate increased from 4 to 8 a second to speed up menu operations.
- Replace selected main menu item double height text box with standard height text box making main menu consistent with other menus and providing an additional visible menu option.
- Reduce unnecessary locate widget transients when exiting the menus to return to a locate screen.
- Support for future NINA-B222 Bluetooth module.
- Ensure Bluetooth Pairing and Bluetooth Auto Connect menus are displayed simultaneously.
- Enhance reporting of the number of satellites used in the position solution, previously limited to up to 12 satellites now up to 99 satellites.
- Prevent logging bargraph percentages >100%.
- Fix bar-graph display and sound in dedicated marker locate screen when entered from a line locate screen with a passive power or radio frequency selected.
The latest version of MyLocator3, v1.17, is available for download from our website at downloads – Vivax (vivax-metrotech.co.uk)