vLoc3-DM Receiver Software Update
Software Revision: 1.37 Release
This software update:
- Improved the DM low-frequency sensor current measurement accuracy and stability.
- Improved the response speed of the A-frame on 3&6 and 4&8 measurements.
- The DM graph screen now displays “Σ” before the accumulated distance between logs in the current survey.
- The DM information and DM dual information screens now display the pipe diameter setting when a pipe diameter setting is active.
- The DM information screen now shows the DM Current Warning setting when the warning is active.
- The classic locate, plan view, vector locate, and sonde locate screens are updated to dynamically add or remove the distance from the last log display as the DM foot is attached or detached.
- The German, French, Dutch, Romanian, Danish, Latvian, Spanish, Norwegian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Chinese and Slovenian languages are updated.
- A blue GPS icon will show on the status bar when GPS has SBAS (DGPS) fix.
- The ability to configure locator “Imperial / Metric” menu with “Inches” only depth display option in addition to the existing Feet and Meter *.
- The ability to configure a locator menu option to select “Coordinate Format” for the display of latitude and longitude in the existing Degrees Minutes Seconds (D°M’ S.S”), Degrees Decimal Minutes (D°M.M’) or Decimal Degrees (D.D°), requires MyLocator3 v1.17 or later configuration change.
- Improved speed of locate response in A-frame screens.
- Ability to configure locator to start at new survey prompt screen at power on *.
- Improved visibility status bar GPS icons.
- Simultaneously reset SD phase on locate antennas and stethoscope.
- Behaviour of long ‘mode’ key from the Locate screen is now configurable, allowing faster access to multiple locate perspectives by providing a new selection screen, requires MyLocator3 v1.16 or later configuration change.
* Requires the latest version of MyLocator3 to install.
** Requires the latest version of MyLocator3 and internal GPS module option.
The latest version of MyLocator3, v1.17, is available for download from our website at downloads – Vivax (vivax-metrotech.co.uk)